
Flooring and Water Damage

One of the most expensive parts of a home that can get damaged during an indoor flooding situation is the flooring. Depending on the material used, the damage can range from easily restored, up to a damage that calls for a replacement.

DoItYourself.com came up with a step-by-step instructional in dealing with water damaged flooring. It emphasized in its article that totally removing the water should be the homeowner’s priority. Causes of Water Damage

“Start out by removing any excess water on the floor. Until you thoroughly dry the area, you will not be able to properly make any repairs. Use the wet vacuum to remove the water. You should also place fans in the water damaged area. Doing so will help dry the water much more quickly. Another good idea is to leave dehumidifiers in the room for a few days. Laminate and hardwood floors will sometimes be back to normal once they are dry. However, many times more work will be required.” How to Safely Handle Water Damaged Electrical Fixtures

The instructions can be found here.


The North Dakota State University also has a comprehensive guide in dealing with flooded flooring. Like most articles it underscored the importance of immediately removing excess water from the flooring as the first step in restoring water damaged flooring. About Us

“Floodwater may accumulate in partitions and exterior walls. Drain these areas as quickly as possible of insulation and structural materials. Remove the baseboard and drill holes between studs a few inches above the floor. After the insulation and frames have dried, replace the baseboard. Use your regular cleaning product for a final, thorough floor washing. If refinishing is necessary, wait until moisture has dried from wood framing, between walls and floors, and backs of trim. This may take several months. Consult an experienced professional for refinishing, or follow instructions on standard brands of finishes and varnishes for household use.”

The original article can be found here.


Home Flooring Pros meantime tried to explain the costing of water damaged flooring through an article. Super Dry San Diego Flood Service 24 hours

“Replacing damaged flooring and integrating it with existing flooring costs more per square foot than installing new flooring in an entire room. In this chart, the repair (restoration) cost is the cost per square foot to replace only the flooring that is damaged. The replacement cost is the cost of tearing out the damaged floor in an entire room or large area and starting fresh. Note that there is a range of prices for each flooring due to the differences in the costs of the materials available. All prices are in cost per square foot.”

Check out the continuation of the whole article here.

Water damaged flooring can be a huge expense. It is important to act quickly so as to minimize the possible damage on the flooring.

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